There is a unique opportunity to go inward and explore with more clarity our own inner masculine feminine YIN YANG BALANCE.

These are uncertain times…we MUST stay heart guided. Stay on the path of our true authenticity. We have a responsibility to become the change we wish to see in our one world. Right NOW there is a great opportunity to let go of old patterns that no longer serve…a window to melt our obstructions to free flowing love health balance and freedom. Fear keeps us where we are, keeps us silent, keeps us small, keeps us waiting.

WAITING is not what these days are for.

Great Change is coming.
Will you cling to notions of old familiar patterns in between the tides of change or will you embrace the rising flow?
Not knowing can be an uncomfortable, down right terrifying place to hang out.
Health is flow and Courage is the bridge.
We need not build that bridge alone. Community is the new currency.

Who will you travel with through these uncertain times? It matters. We need to surround ourselves with those who want to hear our deepest heart songs, those who are also heart guided. My Qigong Masters, my teachers, my coaches, my dreams all speak of intensifying times ahead. Much more will be revealed, illuminated, in our hearts, in our relationships, in our homes, in our communities, on our planet.

The greatest challenges we will face are yet to come.

Resistance is exhausting.

We must welcome IT ALL with compassionate curiosity and let the pressures evolve us into what is good true beautiful needed BETTER. Can we find the courage and vitality to keep our hearts open in the face of great fear and uncertainty?

LET LOVE WIN! is a safe space virtual community for like minded woman rising… a sisterhood building the bridge of courage together. Embracing the journey and remembering (in the words of a favourite teacher) that these times are “far too serious to lose our sense of humour”.