In order to melt through to more life, love and authentic expression… we need to be willing to live more fully. This means daring to experience something new. “Do something different” (DSD).
When we drive outside of our comfort lanes… inside of a safe space… we discover new valuable information that we need in order to take our next heart guided steps.
Our Wild Heart Journey included sound activations, as we journeyed through the four elements and asked our hearts what truly matters most…?
What ignites your wild heart? What sensory experience supports YOU to more fully embody? What increases your willingness and capacity to stay WITH yourself in love… to stay IN your body and self-connected when you feel nervous system activation or collapse?
What is YOUR preferred sense? What sense feels like a distraction to embodiment?
You can turn towards your favourite senses as a natural nourishing grounding resource in overwhelming moments.
Start your Wild Heart Journey Today!
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