At our recent cozy Tea-Time meeting, we joined together to honour the previous cycle through opening to receive the memories, images, and essence of our journey.
After we shared our experiences over tea, a few stayed on afterwards to explore the inertia, glass ceilings, emotions, narratives, fears, that arise when we desire to, or attempt to, say yes to expansion.
When we say yes to our hearts we are saying yes to the unknown… the unfamiliar will trigger nervous system sensations, even “confusion fog”. We inevitably meet activations, protections and distractions when it’s truly time to allow more joy, connectedness, meaning, and openheartedness into our lives.
We may feel ready to step into our health, gifts, power etc… but then… we feel unsteady, uneasy, unsafe…
Opening to JOY, peace, balance, vibrant health and harmony can be one of the most difficult nervous system bridges we will ever cross towards our freedom.
We need to feel safe enough to expand… but what holds us in place is often out of view. Together, we can reveal, and gently love all our layers home to wholeness, increasing our capacity to step into the unknown.
To expand, we will need permission from all the protective layers that kept us safe along the way (or that kept our ancestors safe).
If we are to unleash our true flow… we must first lovingly reveal, thank, and take onboard our unconscious to build trust in our heart’s guidance. Every step we take… builds more courage and confidence… a bridge of LOVE.
It may seem amazing, that even if we feel unhealthy and unhappy, we will stay where we are…. simply because it is familiar. As sure as we feel our YES! We will next meet our glass ceilings (often inherited) to keep us exactly where we are. With support, we can come to see love and soften what was previously out of view. There is no perfect time to say yes to your wild heart. We will always orient unconsciously towards what feels familiar in our family systems even if unhealthy and isolating. We will always meet inertia when it comes to expanding into our heart’s deeper desires and following heart guidance… because our nervous systems will always want to choose a “familiar” old way over an unfamiliar natural and new healthier way…
So remember to Dream in the new cycle, and open to expansion and your true heart guidance… of course you may also inevitably activate limiting fears, inertia, and confusion fog… simply meet it all with self-compassion and curiosity… tell yourself… “right now I am safe to DREAM…I am safe to be healthier and happier” or maybe for you it’s… “right now I am safe to receive abundance”… “I am safe to welcome more intimacy and trust in life”… whatever it is that your unique heart is guiding you towards.
Remember that fear is the one emotion that we need support to transcend. Allow yourself witnessing and support. When you meet your glass ceiling fears, narratives, tensions, or body sensations… lovingly ask those parts of yourself… what do you fear? What might be the pay off or benefit of staying within the old and familiar?
There will never be an easy time to say yes to more health, love, connection, joy and authentic expression. Life does not get easier… but we can increase our capacity to anchor into the deeper, ever peaceful waters and bring that infusion into every moment, embodied, present and fully ALIVE!
“A ship is safe in the harbour, but…. that’s not what ships are made for” – W.Shedd
The safety of our habit harbours is only a perception… but resisting the flow of our rising wild heart rivers truly has the greater cost!
Say yes to dreaming in the new cycle, yes to your next heart guided steps towards full spectrum living, feeling, loving, healing and expressing as the lunar new year emerges.
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