Wow…are you feeling the intensity of this window in LEO that just peaked? Are you sensing..seeing… feeling this window into your wild heart… your feminine essence has plans already seeded! If you can dream it…you can birth it…. when we let the intensity be held at the heart…the wild heart….we can’t help but feel and see our infinte magic…and…see feel hear more clearly where we are holding our heart flow back…down…off… at this gate also simultaneously sense how our pure hearted essence is already infusing our lives our love our every mundane earthly task…every chosen word… the magic is here! Attune to it! Let it GROW… LET IT FLOW…and LET GO of whatever you feel or see in the way.

At our recent Lion’s Gate Wild Heart Journey I was shown the power of my feminine essence… where and how she could flow…longs to flow….where and how she is already flowing… asking at the heart for more space more TRUST to release and flow freely…and at a much needed time on earth. I also saw more clearly where I was holding…. such new insight wow! We experienced movement, stillness, breath, DEEP relaxation into the parasympatheic nervous system, guided meditation journey, sharing circle. 

It was just beautiful.

Thank You wild hearted women! I was deeply opened on the journey… feeling truly blessed.