It takes tremendous strength and courage to open our hearts to being witnessed loved and supported in our darkest hours. Love knows where love is going and love knows where love is needed. Will we let love win? Will we let LOVE in when we feel the most contracted?

These are intense times and it’s only love that can bridge all polarities. The heart can embrace paradox and integrate it all. The heart does not need to choose grief or gratitude…. all can be held and felt simultaneously.

We need ALL love to be released and received at this time. Love unleashed builds our bridge to higher unified ground…. love is the river of our personal and collective evolution. When we shut off love we stop flow.


Letting love flow in you, through you, and to you freely…. is a melting journey.

What small steps can we each take to lead with love in our hearts, in our homes, in our families in our communities and first and foremost…in our own bodies.

It’s becoming deeply clear that we cannot heal our relationships  with earth, with one another, without simultaneously healing our relationship to ourselves. Our SELF LOVE.

We cannot be of service to health and sanity….. to a new inner and outer balance of the divine feminine RISING, a new healthy integrated masculine in pure service to the heart… a balanced inclusive living thriving dance of LOVE IN ACTION….

if we are not deeply listening to and loyally following our own body wisdom.

If we are in wholehearted service to others we can no longer ignore our deepest needs. Or keep saying “later”.  If our work has forgotten or does not leave space for ongoing self nourishment, JOY, fun, laughter, room to re-dream how our right livelihood could be in EASE and FLOW with our own deep values and basic daily needs….if we are not weaving that bridge or holding open the possibility… doing the personal explorations, the boundary work, the healing needed…

to ensure our own planet is well loved and cared for as we travel our own divine plan orbits…

Then the deeply needed support we offer others will quickly become unsustainable in these intense times.

Where are you overriding your own heart body wisdom? How can you take one small heart guided step towards personal balance, bliss, joy, connection.

We all need to be the bridge of change from the personal to the planetary.
What are you letting go of to create space for your rising heart to guide you?

I have had many great teachers in my lifetime from wise Scottish white long haired wizards, beautiful Arctic Elders, Qigong Masters of my Masters, Eco Warrior professors, Cosmic Wild Hearted sisters….and my greatest evolutionary teachers… the earth…all of nature…my marriage and my children…

One of my beloved teachers is right now dying. A man who has inspired and activated my heart to new horizons. He has been told he has a month to live and is clear that he does not wish to waste a minute of that time in resistance.  This is not to be mistaken for ‘giving up’ for in radical surrender to the divine love is where all the flow and miracles happen anyway!…. Through pain and discomfort he has been gaining more and more access to LIFE…. embracing the paradox and committed not to bypass any aspect of the journey. He felt inspired to share in a live series called “Brightening Every Darkness” which I have been participating in.

Our feminine masculine self compassion comes into balance naturally when we are about to die. We feel suddenly laser clear on our values and priorities and we have no time for the rest. We know what heart-first actions are needed and we simply and finally follow through. I love supporting myself and others to tap into this NOW…and now and now… Every year in my Qigong classes, and privately, I offer a series for masculine feminine balance. This work is so important to more fully unleashing our authentic selves.

For my teacher he is living this distilling, clarifying, discerning journey right now…. what truly matters is UP & ALIVE and he has been sharing. The essence of a message he shared last week was this:

“You are ENOUGH! It is all ENOUGH! You are good enough, you are doing enough, you ARE enough…. the only thing we are not doing well enough at is LOVE…you are not loving yourself enough!!! We are not loving each other enough! It’s all love…”

So today on this new Venus Portal… whatever you are holding up, holding back, holding onto… let it go!!!! Let LOVE flow….life is truly now and YOUR love is deeply needed.