Are You Using Rest as Resistance?

We often live within a push/pull relationship that we unconsciously fall into with ourselves, and the barriers that arise when we envision living from a place of overflow….but overflow… is sustainable! When our cups are full and overflowing we can be in...

In Need of a Next Level Attunement?

It’s amazing how embodiment practices reveal quickly just how much we have been unconsciously holding, support us to melt what we meet, and remind us of what it feels like to feel fully refreshed and alive! We began with a guided meditation to self-attune and I...

Are You Satisfiable?

,  How have you been through these eclipse energies? I felt so nourished by our community TeaTime gathering which gifted me the resiliency to choose LOVE inside of activations and follow my body wisdom to create a window of REST before the eclipse. Within the...

The Alchemy of Perspective

The Alchemy of Perspective “TeaTime Tools” session was a beautiful, snuggly deep dive into the magic of welcoming multiple emergent perspectives on our struggles. There is such alchemy alive between what we feel is our “main complaint” or...

Contraction Follows Expansion

My hope is that after reading this update you will feel more curious and compassionate towards your feelings, find trust in the storms of life, and recognize the journey is non linear… It’s a spiral with no destination and YOU ARE NOT regressing!...