As Venus continues to dive deep behind the sun, we continue to meet the unintegrated layers that need our full, loving presence in order to melt into wholeness. As we melt through… more and more of our love, aliveness, and authentic expression is unleashed to flow freely. 

In order to increase our capacity to BE with ALL that feels hard with relentless loving presence… we need ENERGY. We need to be continuously resourcing to expand and fill our own tea cups. 

If we are running on empty… if we continue to move onward from overdraft…we can hold all the awareness and knowledge on earth… but we will be unable to embody it. 

To put our tools into practice, we need to be continuously restoring ourselves with deep self-care.
 We must grant ourselves permission again and again, for next level self-care to continue to keep our hearts open in these ever changing times to LET LOVE WIN!

As we learn the art of growing the spaces between each 
 IN breath… and OUT breath…

between every
action and reaction… 

between each word we hear… and each word we speak… 

Our presence and awareness has a chance to GROW when we practice “The Pause”. Each pause is a recalibration to come back into alignment with LOVE.

Our hearts are asking us…

How are you?
How do you feel?
What do you need?

“The Pause” is exactly the crack that allows love to catch up with us and infuse all our moments, actions and words.